Excellence in Every Frame,

Impact in Every Story!

Step into a realm of unparalleled explainer videos.

Here, we sculpt stories that make your brand unmissable.

Your journey to standing out starts now!

Our latest work:

eProactive Service

2d animation. 2.5 animation

Passive Reactive Crowning

2d and 3d animation

Bystronic Smart Factory

2.5d animation

Balans Studio Explainer video 2d

2d animation

Placebo video

2.5D animation

Brand Portal Video

2.5d Video

Aesthetic Pass

Live action footage+animation


2D animation

Our Clients

How we make animated videos (tap the picture)

Project Onboarding

Project Onboarding & Strategy Session

Initiate the process by providing essential details about your company and product. Following this, we will coordinate an online strategy session to delve deeper into your brand and video requirements. Our goal is to collaborate on ideas, outline the storyline, and establish the overarching art direction for your explainer video.


Estimated Time: 1 workday

Script Development

Script Development

Drawing from the information provided by you and our research, we will craft a script that effectively communicates your message to your target audience, aligning with your specific marketing objectives.

Estimated Time: Up to 3 workdays

Storyboard Creation and Choosing Voiceover

Storyboard Creation and Choosing Voiceover

Upon script approval, our team meticulously crafts a storyboard outlining key video actions, complemented by style frames showcasing character design and selected scenes. This advanced stage provides clients a comprehensive understanding of the video's aesthetic and narrative.The voiceover artist selection is a collaborative process, involving the client in a rigorous evaluation to align the chosen voice with the brand identity. Our extensive network of seasoned professionals ensures the chosen artist enhances the video's impact, capturing the essence of the message with eloquence. Client involvement in the selection process ensures a harmonious fit, contributing to the overall success of the explainer video.

Estimated Time: Up to 5 workdays

Illustration Production

Illustration Production

Subsequent to finalizing the storyboard and selecting your preferred style, we proceed to create comprehensive illustrations. The refined visuals are presented in a PDF format, ensuring a precise representation of the visual narrative.

Estimated Time: Up to 5 workdays

Animation Phase

Animation Phase

At this pivotal stage, we breathe life into characters and graphic assets, seamlessly transforming static elements into dynamic motion.

Estimated Time: Up to 5 workdays

Audio Enhancement

Audio Enhancement

Elevating your animations to a multisensory experience, we incorporate sound effects to add depth and resonance. Additionally, we curate a selection of music options for your consideration, allowing you the final say in the auditory dimension.

Estimated Time: Up to 2 workdays

Watch Video

Clarity, Creativity, and Critical Communication:

At Balans Studio animation, we specialize in helping companies convey their messages with utmost clarity, creativity, and critical precision.

Proven Global Expertise:

With an extensive track record of success, we have collaborated directly with clients and partnered with multiple explainer video companies, delivering exceptional service to over 200 clients worldwide. Our portfolio includes esteemed names such as Pepsi and Microsoft, as well as small and mid-sized enterprises. Whether partnering with corporate giants or innovative startups, our unwavering commitment ensures the creation of tailor-made explainer videos that elevate YOUR business.

Crafting Compelling Narratives:

We transcend communication barriers, empowering global companies to tell their stories in a compelling and concise manner. Through the adept use of 2D or 3D animations, characters, real or stock footage with a help of motion graphics, our explainer videos breathe life into your brand, simplifying complexities and resonating with your target audience.

Ready to start creating an amazing

explainer video?

Contact us with any questions.

Contact email

Call us directly

(+381) 65 317 9 004

Office location

Zelengorska 25/1, Palić, Serbia